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Start of Summer Cruising

Updated: Dec 2, 2022

May 20, 2022

We’re off. We had a wind delay in the marina that bumped our departure back a day. I guess the whole “no sailing on a schedule” thing is really. Anyways, we’re off for an amount of time yet to be determined. Our loose plan was to make our way across the Straight of Georgia again to Montague Harbour where we’d meet up with our sailing association for the weekend and then go from there.

Mark spent the trip across making himself rather sea sick while he pretzeled around the aft trying to get the watermaker working. Spoiler: he didn’t get it started. While he worked away, I watched some whales go by.

Cozy in the cockpit for sailing

This was our first time going through Porlier Pass and I had researched it carefully. Since the pass can run upwards of 9 knots, we needed to go through at slack. We got to the entrance way before slack and instead of just sailing circles, we went for it. Navionics claimed the current was minimal and we were seeing other sailboats do it. Mark didn’t seem too stressed on the way through, there were no visible rapids and we didn’t hit anything. Success!

This may be when we hit the pinnacle of our stubborn sailing. We found out we can still move along with our big genoa (and right wind direction) with a 4-5 knot wind. It was slow, but it was quiet….the current running with us did help a lot. I’m surprised we didn’t get hailed to ask if our motor was broken that day.

We checked in with the rendezvous organizers and spent some time getting to know our new friends. It’s nice being around people who’ve sailed everywhere. It’s also funny how opinionated sailors are…on everything. We get the gamut of opinions from “just go” to “you need at least 10 years experience before you go”.

I’m starting to get much more excited about leaving to cruise and doing longer passages…except the BC to California leg. I wish I could just magically transport the boat to Mexico.

NM Sailed: 24


May 21, 2022

Finally some warm weather! I was beginning to think the summer was never going to show up.

We took the dogs for a quick walk around the very few roads on the Montague Harbour side of the island and brought them back to the boat. They aren’t the most social guys, so taking them along to the marine park to join in the festivities isn’t in the cards.

I convinced Mark to pump up the paddle boards so we could go for a spin. We ended up being out for a couple of hours.


May 22, 2022

We watched the other leavers, what the BCA calls people who are leaving for offshore, get their goodbye gifts today. It’s bittersweet because I really wanted to be there getting that package too. But seeing the people who were collecting them really solidified that we aren’t ready

It’s another weekend where we’re going to be the last people leaving since we have no plans to go back to the city in the near future.


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