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Live Aboard Life: One Month In

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

February 28, 2022

A month in and we’re getting used to the smaller space. We’re also having a great time playing ”is it a leak or is it condensation?”….most of the time it’s condensation.

We never actually asked the marina if we were allowed to live aboard. We’re just kind of going with a don’t ask don’t tell situation. As a result, we’re not leaving the dogs alone in the boat. We also sneak in and out of the marina before and after the office closes.

Cooking and heating the boat has become a fun game too. After several breaker resets, I’ve realized that I can’t do both, so it’s a balance of heat the boat, then cook, then heat it back up again. Fixing this will get added to the ever growing list of things to do.

Working on the boat is also all about balance for the two of us. Mark and I have to time our meetings and spread out at opposite ends of the boat. Headphones are a must on a daily basis and it’s a nice break when one of us goes into the office.

In boat project news: I restitched the Bimini and enclosure before we moved aboard, but learned a couple of things along the way:

1. Cheap vinyl is cheap and shrinks

2. I did the enclosure windows wrong.

So I spent a weekend fixing the two worst ones. I later learned that the easiest way to do it is to leave the original “glass” in and then sew around it. Next time.

Mark had arranged to buy a life raft – something we were going to need for our sail to Mexico. One of the BCA (Blue Water Cruising Association) members brought it by to drop it off. Honestly he was a real downer as he went over the boat and told us it wasn’t going to be good enough to go offshore and we needed much more experience before we considered leaving. It seems like all the old sailors we’ve met so far just don’t think we’ll be able to do it. I have to keep reminding myself that people cross oceans in bathtubs and we’ll be fine.

Admittedly, we’ve been having a lot of discussions lately about pushing our departure date out. Partly due to money, partly sailing and a big part is seeing the BC coastline before we leave for good.

Food onboard

Settling in

Busy Work Days


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